State Council Compliance Documentation Submission

ENA Procedures (State Council and Chapter Compliance and Operational Procedures) requires State Councils/separately incorporated chapters to submit various compliance documentation annually to the ENA National office by their designated deadlines.

The purpose of this form is to ensure prompt submission and delivery by the required deadlines as outlined below.

January 31:

  • Current Bylaws
  • Current state council/separately incorporated chapter policies
  • Current budget (final/board approved) and budget narrative

September 15:

  • IRS extensions, Form 990 filing receipts and/or copies of filings
    • ENA files its group exemption covering state councils/separately incorporated chapters annually in September and all IRS documents need to be submitted prior to ENA National filing. State councils/separately incorporated chapters must plan accordingly to ensure that the IRS Form 990 or 990EZ is filed prior to September 15 annually.


State Council and Chapter Compliance and Operational Procedures

Compliance Submission Form

Current Budget (Due Jan. 31)
Budget Narrative (Due Jan. 31)
Current Bylaws (Due Jan. 31)
Current Policies (Due Jan. 31)
Current Policies (Due Jan. 31)

If you are submitting multiple policies, submit them here.

Current Policies (Due Jan. 31)

If you are submitting multiple policies, submit them here.

Current Policies (Due Jan. 31)

If you are submitting multiple policies, submit them here.

Current Policies (Due Jan. 31)

If you are submitting multiple policies, submit them here.

Current Policies (Due Jan. 31)

If you are submitting multiple policies, submit them here.

Current Policies (Due Jan. 31)

If you are submitting multiple policies, submit them here.

Current Policies (Due Jan. 31)

If you are submitting multiple policies, submit them here.

Current Policies (Due Jan. 31)

If you are submitting multiple policies, submit them here.

Current Policies (Due Jan. 31)

If you are submitting multiple policies, submit them here.

Form 990 (Due Sept. 15)




If you have questions or need assistance, contact

Access the State and Chapter Leader Management area to add officers or download membership lists.